Comfort eases education.We have well-lit, well-ventilated, and fully furnished rooms and amenities. School transport vehicles are the best networked in the area with routes through interior villages , year round. Separate prayer rooms for both genders are available.All computers and electronic systems are networked with high speed LAN, licensed softwares and broadband internet facility.


We have an outstandingly treasured library with thousands of valuable and intriguing authentic books and journals for students and staff.We subscribe to a wide range of periodicals and magazines that provide both intellectual stimulation and relaxation.


The KEMCS is sufficiently equipped with computers with adequate lab facilities .All systems are networked with high speed LAN, all original software and broadband internet facility. Novell Netware Server, Windows 2008 server, Windows 2003 server, Windows NT, Linux server and Unix server are the backbone of our Computer Lab. A high–tech computer lab fosters the need of Modern Information Technology,E-learning center and facility is available for all the students.Many LCD and OHP projectors are used in the Computer lab for effective teaching.


KEMCS Arts Academy brings out the talented students to the forefront of cultural enlightenment through proper training and guidance. The service of professionals are exclusively made available for ensuring the quality of students and thereby making them fit enough to perform on and off the stage,The school has many facilities for Performing Arts.


Bio-lab (Biological Experiment Laboratory) is a single-rack multi-user science payload designed for use in the Columbus laboratory of the International Space Station. Biolab support biological research on small plants, small invertebrates, microorganisms, animal cells, and tissue cultures.


The School has well equipped laboratories For Chemistry. Students are encouraged to use these laboratories to learn through experiments. Every year latest instruments, specimens, charts etc. are purchased for these laboratories.


The School has laboratory facilities to carry out experimental research in areas such as non-linear electronics, x-ray powder diffraction, nonlinear optical materials, thin films, crystal growth, high-pressure low temperature physics and nanoscience.